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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  December 17, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PST

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hello again, everyone. thanks for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield. we begin this hour with federal health officials warning about a triple threat this holiday season -- the flu, rsv, and covid-19. the flu spreading with 15 million cases reports do far, and while the cdc data shows influenza hospitalizations have finally dropped, officials say it's not a sign that the flu has peaked. all but seven states still have high or very high respiratory virus activity, so health officials are urging everyone to get the latest vaccines. >> we've got terrific vaccines against both flu and covid, so we can do a lot here. we were not helpless. it's not a cause for concern. to me it's a cause for action. the message here is what happens in the weeks and months ahead is largely dependent on us.
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gloria pazmino joins me with more. what are we learning from the data? how many people got their flu shots this year? >> reporter: not nearly enough if we consider what the health department puts out as a target. 70% of people should ideally be vaccinated against the flu, but so far this season only 40% of adults and 46% of children have received their flu vaccine. as you said, we are in the middle of this triple threat with these three viruses. rsv, the flu, and covid. and all of this as we are preparing to go into the full swing of the holiday season. let's put up the numbers. influenza in the u.s. as of a couple of days ago, 15 million cases, 150,000 hospitalizations, and 9,300 deaths. there is a slight improvement, but i want to put all of this in some historical context because
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the numbers we are looking at have not been this high during the flu season in at least a decade. so, fred, we're talking about what federal officials are recommending that people do gearing up for the holiday season, and it's what we've been talking about for months -- vaccinations, testing, and masking up when possible. some cities around the country, especially where those covid rates are starting to increase, have issued guidance that people should begin to mask up when they are indoors. not a full requirement yet but just a recommendation. so it is certainly possible to gather ahead of the holidays, burr they are recommending that people test before that gathering and that people certainly get all of their vaccinations. fred? >> all right. gloria pazmino, thank you so much. of course keeping with that message, hanukkah starts tomorrow, christmas days away, meaning we are all gathering, so federal officials are urging
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everyone to take advantage of resources like covid tests and boosters to have healthy celebrations. covid hospitalizations have been rising since november and roughly 1 in 10 people live in a high-transmission area. dr. tara narula breaks down the numbers. >> as we head toward the holidays and people gearing up to see family, officials are emphasizing testing and treatments for covid. covid hospitalizations have been on the rise since early november and specifically for senior, where hospitalization rates are four times higher than any other age group. about 14% of the u.s. population is still in an area that meets the cdc's criteria for high covid-19 community level, up from 5% last week. those areas include new york city, los angeles county and maricopa county in phoenix. the first week of december, the u.s. had the most covid deaths in months, around 3,000.
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the covid coordinator says we have the tools, the infrastructure, and the know-how to manage this moment. one is testing. the government is reopening for a limited time so more americans can have access to free tests. each household can order up to four at-home tests that will ship as early as next week. the white house is emphasizing that people who test positive for covid should be treated with antivirals, like paxlovid, especially those 50 and older and anyone with chronic conditions. only about 14% of eligible americans have gotten an updated covid-19 booster so it's important to remind americans about the booster so they can generate antibodies just in time for christmas and new year's. >> so as schools leave for winter break, one district is taking steps to prepare for the return from the holiday. students and staff at philadelphia's public schools will be fully masked for two weeks after the break, an effort
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to fight the surge of respiratory illnesses. i want to bring in the superintendent for the philadelphia school district, tony wallington. good to see you. your district made a similar move of mask requirements in august after students came back from summer break. how did that go? >> first of all, thank you, fredricka. always a pleasure to be with you. happy to be here with you today. >> thank you. >> it worked well for us at the beginning of the school year and certainly after the winter break we'll do the same thing, mask for ten days for students and staff when they return on january 3rd. >> any resistance from anyone? >> in the climate we live in now, there's always this issue about making public health a medical issue. we are standing with the science. we have a medical officer and we work closely with the philadelphia department of public health. not everyone agrees with the
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decision, but we think it's right to keep our students and staff safe because we want them in school and have good attendance when they return. >> philadelphia is considered at a medium level for covid community level spread. are there other measures that your schools are taking to help families? >> we are making free covid tests available for our students and families across schools in the district. certainly we're doing that. we're also making the case for our students and staff, encouraging families to be careful during the winter break, to mask when they're indoors, to continue to use good hygiene that we've been talking about for a couple years now with the cdc. and so i think it'll take a combination of measures not limited to just masking to keep our students and staff safe and make sure we have into the attendance in the school district. >> i mentioned you all had this measure in place after the summer break.
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what about thanksgiving? were lessons learned after so many family gatherings and people traveling and, you know, did it invite some problems? you know, a lot of illnesses in your school district, and that's why you were trying to get ahead of the game for the christmas break? >> that's right, fredricka. in fact, after thanksgiving, we start an uptick in both absences and covid cases related -- right after the thanksgiving holiday. it lasted for up to two weeks after the thanksgiving holiday. since the winter break is certainly longer than the thanksgiving holiday, it makes sense for us to take these measures. you know, in the school district it's about protecting public health, making sure our students and staff are in school regularly. and it's really important in philadelphia because we are working really hard to get dropout rates down, graduation rates up, and if we're going to be the fastest improving large urban school district, one of the things that's important is our kids have to be in school. so we think this is going to protect students. it will have an impact on
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student achievement. >> i wonder when you look at the landscape of education, public education, we also have been reporting on the teacher shortages for so long. you know, what's your thought about, you know, the road ahead, trying to appeal to, you know, people, to go into teaching? how do you recruit more? obviously after the pandemic, after and during the pandemic, that really stresses do many teachers to a limit where they just decided, you know what, this is too much. so there were many who retired, who moved on. how do you address the ongoing teacher shortage now? >> i think we have to do a couple things, fredricka, and i'm glad you asked that question, because across the country the number of students who graduate from high school, who are choosing to go to a four-year public or private institution to become a teacher is down by about 50%. here in the commonwealth of
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pennsylvania, that number is down about 66%. so we are expanding our recruitment of teachers to include predominantly white institutions, historically black colleges and universities all over the united states, and we're making the case to teachers that we are going to recruit you, we will meet your needs, we're going to make sure that you have what you need to do the job, and we're going to support you, because we want to retain you because it's so important that we recruit and retain great teachers because it impacts our future. so i'm glad you mentioned that. and the pandemic caused a lot of unsettled situations across the country, not limited to the school district of philadelphia. but we just have to wrap our arms around teachers and let them know we appreciate them and we'll support them with the great work they do every day. >> teachers invaluable, and too many feel underappreciated and not enough can be done to help convey how much people really do
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appreciate the commitment that teachers bring every day. philadelphia superintendent tony wallington, good to see you and happy holidays. >> to you as well. thank you so much. good to see you. >> you as well. only making matters worse on the virus front is that many americans are going to be inside as the bitter cold settles in. heavy snow is threatening parts of the northeast today as a powerful nor'easter moves across the region. the storm already dumped nearly 2 feet of snow in parts of new england, tearing down trees and power lines and leaving thousands without power. more than 5 million people are under winter weather alerts today. let's bring in cnn meteorologist allison chinchar. it sounds like it's going to get worse before it gets better. >> yeah. at some point you'll have roughly 80% of the population in the lower 48 with temperatures at or below freezing over the next seven days. for some of those folks, that
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begins this weekend. right now, though, we're just trying to wrap up some of this snow that kind of seems to be lingering across areas of the northeast and the great lakes region. the heaviest right now is focused across portions of maine, but you also have some of those heavier lake-effect snow bands coming across, especially ontario as well as lake erie and michigan. overall, most of these areas likely to pick up an additional 4 to 6 inches of snowfall. that will be your most widespread, but the highest will be across portions of upstate new york, areas of pennsylvania. we're picking up an additional one foot of snow. this is on top of what we've already seen. we talked about that cold air. the surge is going to start in the north central portion of the country before spreading across really much of the eastern half of the u.s. at some point over the next week. fargo, this is the high temperature on sunday, to having out at 4. then the high temperature on tuesday only makes it to minus
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6. then you have to factor in the windchills on top of that likely going to be about minus 25 to minus 30 range. you'll see chicago and minneapolis temperatures drop. but even places farther east and south are going to get in on this mix. it's just going to take it several more days. take, for example, atlanta. still warm in the early portion of the week. 52 for the high on thursday, but by the time we get to friday, that temperature plummets down to 25. and even staying cold through the weekend. washington, d.c., similar scenario. those temperatures in the 40s for much of the week, dropping back down to only 29 next saturday. >> scarves, hats, pull them out. get ready. >> all of it. >> you'll need all of it. allison chinchar, thank you. coming up, families are being priced out of homes as rising inflation and lack of inventory make the search for affordable housing increasingly difficult. ahead, a look at one company's innovative solutions to the
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new today, just 48 hours after banning several prominent journalists from twitter, elon musk is offering them some kind of return but only under certain conditions. tony o'sullivan, one of those suspended abruptly on thursday. what is musk saying now? are you back on or not? >> it's complicated, fred. this is turning into quite a saga, so most a few days ago -- musk suspended a number of journalists from national outlets in the u.s., including myself, including all of whom we were reporting on musk and reporting about his kind of obsession with this account that tracks the location of his
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private jet. we didn't share his location. we didn't share where his -- where he was in that precise moment, but nevertheless, musk shut us down anyway. it initially was supposed to be a permanent ban. than musk ran an unscientific poll on his twitter account and people said you should let the journalists back on. so right now you log on to my twitter account, you can see it. it looks like i'm on the platform but i'm not actually able to tweet at the moment. i want to show you when i log in. it's a demand for me to remove this tweet that says it violated our rules against posting private information. as you can see there, that was a tweet where i was reporting about this elon jet account. i linked to another twitter account which had been banned which had posted a link to
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elon's jet. i didn't post it directly to elon's jet at all. so right now unless i agree to remove that tweet at the behest of the billionaire, i won't be allowed to tweet on the platform. there is an option to appeal, so that's what i'm doing. and we'll see what's happening. my colleague oliver darcy has been reporting on this this morning and also spoke to "the washington post" and someone banned there and he is appealing this. so we'll see -- we'll see what happens. it's all getting a bit absurd. >> mm-hmm. so what does this all say about musk and his idea of free speech in journalism and, you know, perhaps the overall future of twitter? >> yeah. obviously for somebody like me, i have a platform here on cnn and i can also post on other social media platforms.
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i mentioned during the week that it could be concerning for independent or freelance journalists or journalists who cover musk and his other companies like tesla and spacex and what my colleague oliver darcy has reported this afternoon is that appears to be kind of now what is happening. another journalist, lynette lopez, who has covered musk for years, had her account suspended and it's not clear why her account was banned. so, look, i think this could potentially have a chilling effect on how people report on musk, but again, twitter is a private company. elon musk can do whatever he wants. he can ban whoever he wants. but it is of course somewhat hypocritical of him to hold up this free speech mantle while also shutting down journalists. briefly, i would just mention to be fair to musk, you know, the idea of people being able to track your private jet, you
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know, could be concerning and of course could be a safety risk, the kind of mental gymnastics they're going through to shut down reporters who are reporting about it, there's a lot there. so, look, finally, i will say elon is using publicly available information to track his jet. >> donie o'sullivan, thanks so much. nearly two years after starting their investigation, the january 6th committee is days away from their final report. we just learned they are expected to announce multiple criminal referrals to the doj against former president trump. details next.
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nearly two years after the capitol insurrection and a major move by the house committee investigating the attack. the january 6th select committee is expected to refer at least three criminal charges against former president donald trump to the justice department. cnn's sara murray has more on what could happen at monday's final hearing. >> we will never give up. we will never concede. it doesn't happen. >> reporter: the january 6th committee considering asking the justice department to pursue criminal charges against former president donald trump. >> we fight. we fight like hell. >> reporter: a source telling cnn those charges include obstruction of an official proceeding and conspiracy to defraud the federal government. and there could be more. members huddling behind closed doors to put the finishing
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touches on the final report they plan to reveal next week. >> i've spent countless hours along with the other committee members going through the report and ti v the appendixes, looking at the footnotes, editing. >> reporter: chairman bennie thompson saying the committee will line out its findings monday and plans to present a summary of the sprawling investigation and perhaps the bulk of the report if it's finished in time. >> criminal referrals will happen. >> reporter: the committee planning to reveal who they think should be accountable with referrals for possible state bar discipline, for possible campaign finance information, referrals to the department of justice for possible prosecution. >> there is no doubt donald trump led an effort to upend american democracy that directly resulted in the violence of january 6th. >> reporter: lawmakers especially focused in their hearings and public appearances
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on trump's potential culpability. >> i think he's guilty of a crime. he knew what he did. we've made that clear. he knew what was happening prior to january 6th. >> reporter: while the referrals will lay a marker for posterity -- >> where i think this work is going to echo the loudest is not necessarily tomorrow, not even if the justice department does -- it will echo through the history books. >> reporter: trump is facing scrutiny from the department of justice. some of his top allies, rudy giuliani, john eastman and former doj official jeffery clark all face investigations from state bars. >> mr. clark. >> yes. >> reporter: clark's home also searched. >> can i put pants on first? >> sir, you have to clear the house. >> reporter: as he faces doj scrutiny as well. an unsealed court filing reveal investigators have accessed emails between clark and senator scott perry, who refused to talk to january 6th committee.
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when it comes to the committee, in addition to referring to doj for charges of obstruction of an official proceeding and conspiracy to defraud the federal government, we're also learning they're expected to refer to doj a charge of insurrection. these are all mostly symbolic. the justice department did not take its cues from congress, but lawmakers on this committee have felt like it's important for the historical record and to sum up their work. they say they have found evidence of criminal activity and people it's important to put that forward to the department of justice. >> with me now is michael zeldin, former federal prosecutor and host of the podcast "that said with michael zeldin." >> hi, fred. >> let's look at what's expected to be three charges the committee is expected to announce against trump -- obstruction of an official proceeding, conspiracy to defraud the federal government and insurrection. what's your view on these?
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>> well, they tracked the evidence the committee has presented over these many hearings. the first two charges are similar. they both stem from the effort to prevent the certification, one, by defrauding the government and one by obstructing the actual count and designation. the last one, insurrection, is best seen as incitement. how did donald trump or whoever else they refer incite the crowd to do this. we saw the speeches on the ellipse. those are a little bit challenging because they may have first amendment issues connected to them. but then there was this event where trump tweeted after mike pence said he was not going to deny the certification, and trump essentially said to the troops, let's go. it's time to act. i think that's on easier case for incitement. i think there are solid grounds for these three counts and we'll see if trump gets referred and who else gets referred.
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>> do you believe there might be other referrals? >> i think that there's a good chance that they could be contempt of congress. remember, donald trump, private citizen, had no right to refuse to appear in my estimation, no good-faith basis to object, and he just flatout refused. there could be contempt charges there. similarly with members of congress. we've seen the tweets to mark meadows where they're saying you have to stop this, he has to declare martial law. that may be stuff that could be seen as contemptuous or obstr obstructionist. but there could be referrals to state bar associations for the lawyers like giuliani and eastman, and there could be referrals to the house ethics committee for members of congress for violating the cold of conduct of the congress. >> so these referrals would largely be symbolic, right? i mean, the doj doesn't need the referrals in order to proceed.
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is it your view the doj already has similar evidence or perhaps even plucked some evidence from the committee's work that they are combining into their ongoing investigation? >> i think the latter. i think that doj, because it has subpoena power broader than the committee, probably has been able to gather evidence that the committee has not been able to get. they, as you know, had other white house lawyers into the grand jury and the house couldn't get them. and the house, though, has got an big head start on doj with its depositions. so i think the doj will hear these referrals as a serious act of -- view by the committee that there is criminal activity. they'll combine it with their grand jury evidence and make a final determindetermination. >> when committee chair thompson
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says to cnn that in addition to these criminal referrals there may also be, quote, other categories of referrals that the committee makes, what would that mean? >> well, with respect to anyone who's a lawyer that has been involved in the effort to prevent the certification or put forth the false electors, i think their law licenses could very well be in jeopardy. we saw that rudy giuliani's law license has already been suspended in new york. he's pending revocation of that license in d.c. i think the same will be true for eastman and clark and all those who were involved in that effort. as i said a moment ago, i think some of the members of congress who were tweeting mark meadows to encourage trump to impose martial law, they will have violated the standards of conduct of the house, and that could be referred to the ethics committee for some sort of sanctioning. >> so, after being appointed
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just last month, special counsel jack smith's team, maybe a lot of folks are remembering him, but he has been appointed as a special counsel here, they have sent subpoenas to local and state officials in seven key states targeted by trump in his attempt to overturn the 2020 election. he's also brought a number of trump allies in before a grand jury. how big is this getting in your view? >> it's really getting big and small at the same time. it seems to me that they cast a wide net around a very specific set of charges, specifically defrauding the government through this false elector scheme. so you send out a big net, you gather as much evidence as you can, and then you laser focus it on the statutes it violates. we're seeing both things here. we see what they have in mind with these defrauding types of offenses, and then we see how
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they're casting this wild net to get as much information as available to them as possible. >> all right. michael zeldin, always great to see you. happy holidays. >> happy holidays, fred. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> you can watch our live special coverage of the january 6th hearing starting monday at noon eastern. this is the planning effect. if shannon's thinking, "where do i want to retire?", she'll get some help from fidelity to envision a plan for the future. fidelity's one-on-one nancial coaching helps shannon mease her progress and know her next steps. plus, shannon's professionally managed ira has a strategy based on her comfort level with risk and reward -- which leaves shannon feeling so good she can enjoy more of what's right in front of her.
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>> reporter: keeping up with larry pace is not easy. >> don't touch it. excuse me, fellas. >> reporter: he moves through the floor of factory os with a sense of urgency. >> what are you doing? come on. >> reporter: located just outside san francisco, this space was first designed to build u.s. navy submarines. >> this place was built for world the war 2. >> eight decades later it's transformed to fight a worsening crisis on the american home front. >> this is a war we're in. we're in a war to combat the affordability and the housing crisis. >> reporter: they built home building onto an assembly line and out the door within two weeks. these modular unit whence combined make entire apartment buildings. think sophisticated legos. production starts with a high-tech expedited design process. you're looking at the plans for beacon landing, an 89-unit affordable housing complex to be built just south of downtown l.a. insulation and dry wall, flooring and fixtures all
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prefabricated in the factory. does it all work? >> we'd like to think so. >> reporter: to look down this line and see what we're doing for the community is mind-blowing. the need also overwhelming. in southern california, look past the glamour of los angeles' hollywood hills, the tents speak to desperation. according to 2019 figures, the state needed an estimated million more homes just to meet housing demand. nationally, the home shortage jumped to roughly 3.8 million. that's more than double the number from a decade ago. but it's more than just boosting housing inventory. inflation, zoning inequalities also contributing factors as to why people just can't buy homes. to purchase a house in 75% of the nation's most populous cities, an average family spends 30% of their income. in cities like miami, new york, or l.a., it surges to more than 80% of an average family's
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income. it's forced folks to seek other options from moving into converted garages and smaller units on someone else's property to expanding that civil rights-era approach that helps promote home ownership, particularly among minority groups. >> it shouldn't have to be that way where you have to move so far out of, you know, l.a. to be able to have a home. >> reporter: mendez's family moved here when she was about 4. at one point they had six people crammed into their one-bedroom apartment. "thank god we never fell short on rent," her dad says. but as renters for more than 20 years they constantly worried about a new landlord wanting to sell the property or raise rent. >> okay. >> reporter: that is until this year, when they and their neighbors joined a community last trust, or clt as they're known. it's essentially a nonprofit that buys the land on which a building sits allowing the community's residents to
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collectively manage it. some residents eventually form a co-op and take ownership of their buildings, paying rent for the land. >> it may not seem like a lot to a lot of folks that have money or come from money. it's just, you know, we are just as much trying to build that generational wealth. >> reporter: today there are at least five community land trusts in los angeles, with more than 200 nationwide and counting. what's important is that we're now owners, her mom says. it was not easy, her dad reminds them. >> no. >> reporter: about an hour's drive sout from the hernandez home, we watched as the modular units arrived from the bay area, hoisted onto a truck and placed onto a cement foundation block by block. that beacon landing design we showed you earlier is quickly coming to life. affordable housing coming summer 2023. it's not only the nonprofits trying to help. factory os also aiming to ease the housing burden and commute
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time for its own employees. >> just to be able to, okay, i'm going to wake up and take a walk down the street and come to work. that's awesome. >> reporter: the company planning to convert this vacant lot nearby into employer-assisted housing. but to successfully fight the dire housing crisis nationally, larry believes it will take corporations and government mobilizing now. >> we all need to work on it together. and we can reverse this tide. >> the war is not lost. >> the war is absolutely not lost. >> david culver thanks for bringing us that report. straight ahead, a cnn exclusive. the third time was a charm for the historic nasa artemis moon mission launch, but a liquid hydrogen fuel leak almost scratched it. how a wrench and three members of the red crew saved the art mismission.
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this is probably something you didn't know. as the most powerful rocket ever prepared for launch, the highly flammable fuel leak threatened to kill the launch until a specialized team of engineers known as the red crew saved the day. kristen fisher has this cnn exclusive. >> reporter: at t-minus 3 hours 17 minutes counting until the third launch attempt of the most
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powerful rocket ever built, nasa's launch team detects a problem. >> it is tracking an intermittment leak. >> reporter: highly flammable liquid hydrogen fuel is leaking at the launch pad and there's only one way to stop it. >> the only way to fix it at this moment is to send a red crew. >> that's when they said, okay, red crew, we need to send red crew. >> ted is a member of the red crew, a team of highly specialized engineers trained to work inside the blast zone. >> they asked my lead, who is your red crew person? he asked for a volunteer and ip said i'll go. >> reporter: this rocket is basically one big bomb on the launch pad. >> yeah. >> reporter: you're volunteering to go into a very dangerous place. >> well, yes, yeah, i guess it was dangerous. but that wasn't really in my mind. the urgency in my mind was let's try to get this resolved to we can continue with the countdown. >> reporter: with the launch on the line, chad and two other
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members of red crew, billy and trent, made the four-mile drive to the launch pad. billy had been on the team for 38 years, but for all three it was their first time going inside the blast danger zone and standing next to a fully fueled rocket. >> it is hissing. it is venting. you kind of get this feeling that it is a living creature, that it's -- you know, that's a lot of energy. you can just sense it and feel it. >> reporter: as chad monitored the air quality to make sure the leaking hydrogen wasn't exceeding the lethal exposure limit, trent got to work trying to save multibillion-dollar rocket launch by tightening the loose valve with a good old fashioned wrench. >> he really had to work in there and really do some delicate tinkering to get that torqued down to the right pressure. >> reporter: it took 30 minutes of dangerous work, but they stopped the leak. >> the work is complete. >> three, two, one -- boosters,
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ignition, and liftoff of "artemis 1." >> i get choked up when i think about it and talk about it. it's a magnificent, wonderful spectacle. >> reporter: we're joined by members of the red crew. the three of you guys really i would say saved the day today. what was more nerve-racking, being out at the launch pad or being interviewed on tv? >> probably being interviewed. i was very comfortable, very confident in the test team and the procedures and our training. we did a great job. it's pretty scary, so on zero deck, my heart was pumping. my nerves were going. but yeah, we showed up today. as soon as we walked up the stairs we were ready to rock and roll. >> reporter: bill nelson, nasa administrator, thanked them for their heroism and professionalism. while nicole mann told cnn that the red crew exemplified why space flight is a team sport. >> it's the team of people that
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come in in the last minute and make those fixes and make those corrections so that we can launch and be successful. it's really an effort of thousands and thousands of people. >> they all started cheering and clapping and telling me, hey, you guys saved the launch, you saved the space program and all these thing ps. i thought they were pulling my leg. it was very flattering and humbling, because like i said, any one of my teammates could have done exactly what i did. >> reporter: kristen fisher, cnn, washington. >> congratulations. wow. what a great story that is. in this season of giving we want to show you how you can help our 2022 top ten cnn heroes continue their important work and have your donations matched dollar for dollar. >> i'm anderson cooper. each of this year's top ten cnn heroes proves that one person really can make a difference. again, this year we're making it easy for you to support their
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great work. go to and click donate underneath any hero to make a direct contribution to that hero's fund-raiser. you'll receive an email confirming your donation, which is tax deductible in the united states. no malter the amount, you can help our heroes continue their work. through january 3rd, your donation will be matched up to a total of $100,000 for each year's honorees. this is a simple way to celebrate these everyday people who are changing the world. you can donate from your laptop, tablet or phone. go to your donations will help them help others. thanks. >> of course as we celebrate the 2022 heroes we're already thinking about more. if you know someone great who deserve s to be a cnn hero, tell us about them. nominations for 2023 are already open. go to donate.
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10:00 am
hello again, everyone. thanks for joining me this saturday. i'm fredricka whitfield. we begin with a former president of the united states facing the prospect of what could be unprecedented criminal charges. the house select committee


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